About me

 teaching 'the why' behind everything we do

who is not dissatisfied will never progress - Ritsuo Shingo

Primi Cachero has an extensive career spanning over 30 years in the software industry since 1992 and in Lean since 2006, thanks to Arcelor Mittal Ensidesa Asturias (steel sector). Throughout his professional life, he has been a catalyst for profound transformations across various sectors, including steel, aerospace, military, banking, institutional, small businesses, sports, energy, automotive, healthcare, telecommunications, insurance, postal services, and infrastructure, among others. His dedication and experience have led to notable successes, establishing him as a respected leader in developing products and services with social impact, behavior change, and continuous improvement (Kaizen) from strategy to the gemba (where things really happen).


The only Change Leadership Trainer, mentored in Spain by Toyota's Sensei Ritsuo Shingo in Practical Lean Leadership.

Practical Lean Leadership helps you lead the necessary change to always be adaptable first, resilient next, and finally antifragile.

Primi Cachero is guided by five core principles:
• Genchi Genbutsu: He personally investigates situations at their source to understand and propose solutions.
• Senekawo Miseru: He remains steadfast in his principles, even at the cost of job loss or resignation.
• Never Give Up: Primi Cachero embodies perseverance and resilience, always rooted in respect.

Primi Cachero bases his work on two teachings from Shingo-San:
• He who is not dissatisfied will never progress.
• Create your own path.

Primi Cachero specializes in:
- Cultivating authentic leaders who drive real and sustainable behavioral changes.
- Guiding companies from Continuous Appearance to Continuous Improvement.
- Creating a distinctive approach to leading change, because change is not managed, it is led.
- Enhancing strategic and operational efficiency with the highest quality truly perceived by customers.
- Assisting through artificial intelligence since 2022 with the Spanish GPT "Liderazgo Práctico Lean Responde" to facilitate quality time that allows for genuine changes from the gemba.

Why is this important? Because without these efforts, achieving better, different, and evolved outcomes aligned with the needs of today’s society (real and final customers) would not be possible.