How can we help unleash human potential?

We can and must develop and release both our own human potential and that of our teammates, for this we can take these guidelines that help us:

- How do we develop resilience? Help to learn and have optionality:

How do you feel when your partner says this?

What were you saying to yourself at the time?

What do you think that means to you?

Do you think a single mistake will cause consequences?

How do we influence others? Your role with curiosity, empathy and confidence.

How do we guarantee that the other person feels heard?

How can you relate differently to that person?

How to do the work in a traditional way with satisfaction and in a meaningful way? Reflect on what is most important.

What is happening now?

How would you like it to be?

How could you move towards that new vision?

How do we encourage curiosity? Help to get out of the mental routine.

What problem are you trying to solve?

What feelings do you feel about it?

What worries you most?

Why do you notice that other people are frustrated?

How can we help? Help others.

Are my colleagues excited?

Do I allow you to be creative?

Do I give them freedom to make mistakes?

What can I remove so they can do it?

As we ascend the commitment and the path is longer, with more influence and greater growth. Unfortunately, many people focus on the influence part and not on the growth part.

The fundamental pillar to unleash human potential is motivation, on the contrary, the lack of motivation comes from considering yourself in complete anonymity (they don't know me), considering yourself irrelevant and without measures to reverse the situation. The sources of demotivation mainly arise from management.

Among the traps of motivation are:

- Lack of awareness of values.

- Lack of self-efficiency.

- Disruptive emotions for the rest.

- Errors of attribution of responsibilities.

Luckily we always have measures to reverse the situation and motivate ourselves:

- Achieving small achievements builds confidence in us and the rest.

- Motivating past successes exercises memory.

- Showing future successes generates a visualization and a desire.

The greatest motivating factor is self-leadership acts based on empathy. Leadership fosters and protects the well-being of colleagues and the company.

For this we have to emerge from self-discovery:

How can I be sure that I will be happy in my professional career?

How can I be sure that my relationships become a permanent source of happiness?

How can I be sure that I will stay out of the problems being honest?

We must cultivate and evolve along intrinsic motivation, high performance, creativity, ethical behaviors, personal autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

At the individual level we must:

Test our own learning flow.

Always generate a great question first.

Then a small question.

Always have a wise man by your side.

Review your own performance.

Having detachment from things.

Get closer to the problem domain, improving performance, repeating, looking for critical feedback, focusing on asking for help and continually preparing yourself.

Motivate yourself.

Create your own motivational "poster".

Ensure internal and external equity.

No matter how I can do it, if not what I like and it contributes to connect it with the skills.

People who feel that they don't have the knowledge or the ability to do a thing will not be motivated, "I don't think I can do this."

To do this, we must help develop confidence and new skills, with similar narratives of past acts of colleagues.

Understand and empathize to help mitigate the person's distress situation (compassion) and not resign yourself to the statement "I am too upset to do this."

When we begin to lose the fear of failure, we must investigate the statement "I do not know why this went wrong", if the causes are not correctly identified, we will not be motivated for a similar event in the future.