evolution and happiness of management


many times we are not aware of the impact of certain existing behaviors until we reflect on them. There are different types of management and not all of them are good, having established habits does not mean that they are good or that they are correct or necessary, this dynamic helps to reflect on it precisely, taking a tour of habits in management 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.




When i learned the technique of happiness steps i wanted to apply it immediately, here is detailed: https://management30.com/practice/happiness-steps/

In every company there are different profiles, from younger people to more adults or with many more years of experience. If young people "have had the luck" of joining the company as a first job, they may not know other sources of management or types of people management in companes.

In order to try to alleviate this existing gap and as a result of the definition of the management types of Jurgen Appelo, this fine dynamic is emerging.



In the first part,  a differentiation dynamics of management types 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is performed and toxic environment at work.


After explaining the types and differences, we establish a round of cases that have suffered people in their professional experiences of management types 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 trying to add that steps of the 12 happiness steps have been achieved in each type of management.


Then we carry out a negotiation of all the types of examples that have contributed value and that have not given them value of all the examples. Creating synergies of empathy among all to know if they have gone through a similar situation them.


In another round they list the unwanted things in each of the management, what things you would change to turn that situation into a higher level of management from 1.0 to 2.0 and finally from 2.0 to 3.0.


Later to close we do the exercise in reverse, which would be removed from management 3.0 to convert it to 2.0 and it would be removed from 2.0 to convert it to 1.0 and what feelings this involution causes in management on the 12 steps to happiness.



Taking advantage of talking initially and putting real cases that occurred by people who participate in the management 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, I finally use the practice of 12 steps for happiness.


With each of the positive aspects of the management of columns 1.0 and 2.0, I ask the participants what steps of the 12 steps towards happiness would lead to that level of management to try to have a better and happier environment and try to generate A safe work context.


Later I ask them if they could apply it on themselves or on others affected.


Finally, I ask how it would affect those steps introduced in that existing context, would it improve? To what extent would it improve? Would you approach the n + 1 level (to move from a management 1.0 to a 2.0? To move from a management 2.0 to a 3.0? Wouldn't it approach but at least improve the work environment? Would it influence decisions or behaviors of managers, supervisors, managers, etc.?


How would the aforementioned stress situation affect you rest well, get enough sleep and allow your colleagues to refresh their minds?


What value would you give if you experience new things, try things and let people do all kinds of experiments?


Would that be possible in a specific area?


Would it be useful to socialize, interact with other people and facilitate colleagues to develop connections in the current context? It's possible? Could that situation be generated in the area? In how much time?



It allows people to identify behaviors typical of management types and create an enriching discussion on how to improve the behaviors in an always constructive way. They make people aware of these behaviors, collaborate on how to create better habits, be better with their peers and establish real stories as examples of good and bad behaviors that otherwise would not appear in conversations.


It may happen that if the group is too homogeneous and they have not had "positive" experiences, they cannot get out of the loop or they do not perceive the need to change their habits and normalize all their behaviors. In that case we will have to challenge them with narrative counterexamples that we or colleagues have experienced as an inspirational case to their examples, otherwise the dynamic will not be successful. The purpose is that they understand the differences in management levels and see themselves reflected with a path of improvement and evolution always.



The conclusions are positive when you can change things generating empathy and some happiness in the environment.

Always maintaining a positive attitude in the dynamics, so that there are advances, at least individual, that can help these people to improve their situation at work, improve their opportunity to be happier at work and even as a lever for cultural change, of principles, values, behaviors, whether based on an agile culture or not, but that can help to have a better business culture by identifying current gaps, which in many cases are not aware or do not want Be aware of them.


When the environment is not ideal, frustration can be generated, but as learning ends, everyone learns something new about the types of situations experienced, generating a collective awareness of what practices are considered appropriate and what practices are not considered appropriate for context, or they can be introduced to understand why an area, person, client behaves in one way or another, even when they try to help manage change management at the necessary times.


Well oriented dynamics can generate a series of actions in the context of the participants to change things, have a better working environment or even initiate change enablers.


This dynamic is very important to achieve companies with happier employees! But they must always have some power to change things!


Many managers may not be aware that certain behaviors are not current or Management 3.0, with this exercise they not only identify them but also see the gap to change them and improve as professionals.



As next steps I almost always establish: What are you going to do differently to improve the level of management? What do I have to do to raise the management level? I try to accompany them later with checks to see what achievements or improvements they are getting.

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