Enablers of emergency in organizations

Although the phenomenon of emergency in organizations cannot be preceded or controlled, it can be facilitated under certain conditions, including the following:

Connectivity: it is vital for the generation of change, and its degrees can be observed, in the functioning of the different types of networks that form the structure of organizations. Too little or too much connectivity can prevent the emergency. Organizations usually have little connectivity, so you have to stimulate connectivity to favor the emergence of change.

Diversity: The increase of the same in the cultural, intellectual and emotional dimensions of organizations, although it can cause anarchy and conflict will increase the space of possibilities of the emergency.

Information: although there is a connection between the elements of the system, it is necessary that the information can operate far from equilibrium towards a new order. If the information is too much it can inhibit the change.

Anxiety: Excesses in one direction or another inhibit the emergency. Very little anxiety does not provide incentives or challenges for innovation. On the contrary, too much anxiety will generate defenses that almost always work against change.

Power: Those who have power and believe that new ways of organizing will threaten their positions, will always act by suppressing the emergency. The change sought will always have to have the support of the management. The lack of good leadership and clear power relations will act negatively on the emergency.

Identity: It is something in which the members of the organizations will have invested a lot of time and emotional energy; Yes, experiencing change as something that destroys your real identity, change will not be facilitated. The organizational identity usually appears in the form of symbols and rituals that must always be taken into account when implementing any change.

Limits: They are necessary to facilitate the emergency and among them are deadlines, goals and intentions, lengths, sizes, etc.

Intentionality: Positive intentions can lead to positive results. Although the emergency cannot be specified or predicted. Yes it can be influenced on the contrary. Intention is an emerging property of human interactions in the system. Intentionality is not enough to declare it through a vision; To be effective, this vision must be communicated through stories and narratives that reach the heart and the head with concrete facts in the workforce of various organizations.

Positive emotion: It has been determined that a high positive favors connectivity, creativity and contribution in high performance teams. The reason for positive comments on negative comments is known as emotional space. The chances of emergency in organizations are greater when there is positive space. The emergency cannot be accelerated, you need to wait expectantly for the expected moment. It is a more difficult condition to achieve in organizations that further promote permanent activism and not wait for it patiently.

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