10 guidelines for an antifragile leadership

To evolve towards antifragility and become an anti-fragility leader, understanding leadership as self-leadership, we should pay attention to a series of guidelines that help us in our purpose:

- Never stop acting out of fear of low-risk mistakes. We improve more based on our mistakes than on our successes. If we take low risks and not risks at all, we should not be afraid of the mistakes we make, because that is what makes us strong.

- Give and receive feedback in a clear and honest way. Do not be afraid of what people will say or of receiving comments, that is where you really learn from, you have to be clear and speak in an honest way, with sincerity and transparency, but always with respect for others.

- Apply existing knowledge and study similar crises to learn how to act. Your knowledge and existing knowledge are your weapons to strengthen you, investigate, look for the weak or fragile points of other actions and learn to act on them and your ability to adapt the knowledge to the existing practice or context.

- Be suspicious when things are going well and it is too easy. Question your principles - values - behaviours and place them in the existing context, challenge yourself constantly.

- Don't postpone problems, face them and take the learning to future projects (grey rhino). On the contrary, the word "procastinating" is very fashionable. Never postpone decisions that are up to you or get involved and dependent on you.

- When planning, always consider the unexpected scenarios, this will give you more choice and room for reaction. Thinking of an ideal scenario is not realistic, nor will you have any margin of variability in the face of any setback.

- Don't be afraid to flirt with instability, taking small risks is how you go out of your comfort zone and expand it. You will only expand your comfort zone by going outside it.

- Use chaos as a motivator, being aware of it, you can work on it, facing it is how you see opportunities and not just problems in a crisis or adverse situation. In this way, by learning to deal with the unpredictable we will become anti-fragile, help change our mentality, grow and embrace change by moving out of our comfort zone, establishing it as an advantage by learning from it, and not watching it with fear and rejection thinking about what will happen to me.